Zdoo ManualBook Info
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 About Zdoo
- 1.2 Zdoo Features
- 1.3 Technical Support
- 1.4 Zdoo License
- 2 Install and Upgrade
- 2.1 ZDOO Installation (for all systems)
- 2.2 One-click Installation Package for Windows (Recommended)
- 2.3 One-click Installation Package for Linux
- 2.4 Upgrade Zdoo
- 2.5 Zdoo Cloud
- 2.6 Remove zdoo from the address
- 2.7 Data Backup
- 2.8 Install Ioncube
- 2.9 Install php-zip
- 3 CRM
- 3.1 CRM Workflow
- 3.2 Add Product
- 3.3 Add Customer
- 3.4 Create Order
- 3.5 Sign Contract
- 3.6 Manage Contact
- 3.7 Manage List
- 3.8 Manage Supplier
- 3.9 CRM Settings
- 3.10 CRM Report
- 4 OA
- 4.1 Todo
- 4.2 Review
- 4.3 Announcement
- 4.4 Attendance
- 4.5 Leave
- 4.6 Makeup
- 4.7 Overtime
- 4.8 Business Trip
- 4.9 Reimbursement
- 4.10 Lieu
- 4.11 Egress
- 4.12 Holiday
- 4.13 Settings
- 5 Cashflow(Cash)
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Basic Settings
- 5.3 Add Bank Account
- 5.4 Manage Account
- 5.5 Keep Account
- 5.6 Batch keep accounts and import
- 5.7 Reconciliation
- 5.8 Report
- 6 Project (Proj)
- 6.1 Project Workflow
- 6.2 Create Project
- 6.3 Create Task
- 6.4 Actions in a project
- 6.5 Action Views
- 6.6 Actions in a task
- 7 Document(Doc)
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Create Document Library
- 7.3 Create Document
- 8 TEAM
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Settings
- 8.3 Modules
- 9 Inventory(PSI)
- 10 Flow
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Built-in Flows
- 10.3 Features
- 10.4 Examples
- 11 Ameba
- 11.1 Amoeba Management
- 11.2 Start Ameba
- 11.3 Ameba Category
- 11.4 Ameba Department
- 11.5 Expense Distribution Rules
- 11.6 Income Distribution Rules
- 11.7 Ameba Budget
- 11.8 Ameba Trade
- 11.9 Ameba Report
- 12 Administration
- 12.1 Settings
- 12.2 User
- 12.3 Privileges
- 12.4 Apps
- 12.5 Email settings
- 13 Integration
- 13.1 Introduction
- 13.2 Integrate ZenTao
- 14 Customization
- 14.1 Get Ready
- 14.2 Zdoo Directory
- 14.3 Find the Code
- 14.4 Database Structure
Zdoo Directory
- 2016-08-31 09:36:26
- tengfei
- 6051
- Last edited by MCFEY on 2019-08-12 11:17:00
│ ├── cash CASH module
| | |--address address management
| | | |--config.php CASH configuration, such as required field, search criteria
| | | |--control.php CASH processing method (all pages)
| | | |--model.php data storage methods
| | | |--lang language file
| | | | |--zh-cn.php simplified Chinese
| | | | |--en.php English
| | | | |--zh-tw.php traditional Chinese
| | | |--js CASH js file
| | | | |--common.js load js to all CASH pages
| | | | |--index.js js file on address-index page
| | | |--css
| | | | |--common.css load css to all CASH pages
| | | | |--index.css css file on address-index page
| | | |--ext extension directory( no such directory in default settings)
| | | | |--config load config to all pages
| | | | | |--test.php customized configuration
| | | | |--control control extentsion(page processing extension)(ref:http://devel.cnezsoft.com/book/extension/extend-control-37.html)
| | | | | |--index.php address-index page extension
| | | | |--model model extension(data processing extension)(ref:http://devel.cnezsoft.com/book/extension/extend-control-38.html)
| | | | | |--foo.php address foo extension in model
| | | | |--view page display extension(ref:http://devel.cnezsoft.com/book/extension/extend-control-39.html)
| | | | | |--index.html.php index page display extension
| | | | |--lang language extension (all page under this directory will load this extension)
| | | | | |--en English extension
| | | | | | |--index.php
| | | | | |--zh-cn simplified Chinese extension
| | | | | | |--index.php
| | | | |--js js file extension
| | | | | |--index js extension on index page( all js files under this directory will be printed)
| | | | | | |--test.js
| | | | |--css css file extension
| | | | | |--index css extension on index page( all js files under this directory will be printed)
| | | | | | |--test.css
│ ├── crm CRM module
│ ├── oa OA module
│ ├── sys general system applications
├── bin executable files, scripts, such as use command lines to call Zdoo, and switch between traditional and simplified Chinese.
│ └── rzcli
├── config system configuration file
│ ├── config.php default global configuration file; can be overridden by the variables share the same name
│ ├── my.php Database connection information and install and debug configuration。
│ └── rights.php default account configuration。
├── db sql file for installation and upgrade
│ ├── ranzhi.sql sql installation
│ └── upgrade3.3. sqil file executed to upgrade sql 3.3
├── doc documents such as software modification record, license release record
│ ├── LICENSE license file
├── framework ZentaoPHP framework, MVC architecture
│ ├── control.class.php demand processing
│ ├── helper.class.php tools
│ ├── loader.php load framwork
│ ├── model.class.php databse operation
│ └── router.class.php request routing
├── lib library, such as the third party lib。
│ ├── dao databse operation; disable sql compiling
│ ├── front HTML/JS/CSSoutput, unite html output format, such as a/script/img tabs
├── tmp temporary files and logs
│ ├── backup backup file storage location
│ │ ├── 201606080101060.file.zip.php attachment zip package
│ │ ├── 201606080101060.sql.php database backup zup package
│ ├── cache cache files
│ ├── extension extension zip package
│ ├── log system log
│ │ ├── cron.20160601.log.php task planning log
│ │ ├── php.20160616.php php error log
│ │ └── sql.20160531.php sql log
│ ├── model temporary extension and merge files
│ └── package temporary extension zip package
├── VERSION version
└── www frontend directory
├── cash CASH module entry
│ └── index.php
├── data file data generated after installation and operation
│ └── upload uploaded attachment directory
├── index.php index page entry
├── robots.txt disable web crawling
├── sys system entry
│ ├── index.php
│ ├── install.php installation entry
│ └── upgrade.php upgrade entry
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- Email: Philip@easycorp.ltd
- Skype: philip517
- Whatsapp: +86 185 6395 3295