- 1 About Zdoo Enterprise
- 2 Install and Upgrade
- 2.1 Install Ioncube
- 2.2 Update Zdoo Enterprise
- 2.3 Install LDAP
- 2.4 ZDOO Mobile App
- 3 Features
- 3.1 Feedback
- 3.2 Custom Sales
- 3.3 Commission
- 3.4 Salary
- 3.5 Effort
- 3.6 LDAP user authentication
- 3.7 Wechat Configuration
- 4 Inventory(PSI)
- 4.1 Flow Charts
- 4.2 Sales
- 4.3 Purchase
- 4.4 Inventory
- 4.5 Product
- 4.6 Print Help
- 4.7 Settings
- 5 Flow
- 5.1 Flow workflow
- 5.2 Flow feature
- 5.3 Example
- 6 Ameba
- 6.1 About Amoeba
- 6.2 Start Amoeba
- 6.3 Amoeba Department
- 6.4 Amoeba Caption
- 6.5 Expense Distribution Rules
- 6.6 Income Distribution Rules
- 6.7 Amoeba Budget
- 6.8 Amoeba Trade
- 6.9 Amoeba Report
- 2018-02-27 14:57:59
- tengfei
- 4827
- Last edited by MCFEY on 2018-08-28 10:33:32
PSI->Product and CRM->Product have been integrated into Zdoo Pro. Go to PSI->Product, only PSI related information of products will be shown, such as category, warehouse, specifications, unit, quantity, etc. Batch Create Products is added.
1. Add a Product
Click Add a Product in PSI->Product. You can choose existing Category, Spec, or Unit from the drop-down or check New to create a new one.
2. Batch Create
Click Batch Create to create more products. Category, Spec, and Unit can only be chosen from the drop-down.
- Email: Philip@easycorp.ltd
- Skype: philip517
- Whatsapp: +86 185 6395 3295