ZDOO Self-Hosted 4.0 is released!
- 2020-03-29 22:00:00
- Renee Teng Original
- 3747
ZDOO Self-Hosted 4.0 is released!
Zdoo collaborative office software is officially launched the new service. Zdoo professional version is upgraded to ZDOO Self-Hosted 4.0. Today ZDOO Enterprise 4.0 is released, providing a new UI and UX, and a more complete workflow engine. ZDOOSelf-Hosted has built in with a 5-user license and valid for 180 days. You can contact renee@easycorp.ltd, if you need more.
ZDOO Self-Hosted required Ioncube installed. Refer to Install Ioncube instruction. If any problems, please contact us at Troy@easycorp.ltd.
Finally, thank you for your continuous support. Zdoo team will bring you more features and optimized experience in the future.
Features Added
- Implement new framework and style.
- Add new UX in My Dashboard, HR, Inventory, Workflow, and Amoeba.
- Settings of Amoeba is moved to Amoeba module.
- Set the Flow and Inventory in Admin as ON by default.
- Batch action in the Flow.
- Set triggers for batch actions in the Flow.
- Auto create action dates and actors when adding a custom action in the Flow.
- Add a preview of a flow.
- Add drag and drop to Fields in the Flow.
- Add the auto-save to actions dates and actors when doing an action.
- Add the same feature to the select control on the page of Batch Add Action.
- Copy data from one flow to another(cross-flow settings are required).
- Copy data from one flow to other flows (cross-flow settings are required).
- Display the content of last flow in the current flow (cross-flow settings are required).
- Link the data of a flow to another one in the Flow.
- Display the detail page of linked flows and other batch actions in a flow.
- Removed the data of the linked flow from a flow.
- Set triggers for Remove Linked Data in the Flow.
- Set conditions when editing the current flow using an extended action.
- Copy is added in the Flow.
- Fix data of fields of supported controls in the Flow.
- Add read-only field in the Flow.
- Add read-only field in the specifications.
- Merge cells in MS Excel in the Flow.
- Read cell data from the merged cells in the MS Excel in the Flow.
- Export specification data from MS Excel in the flow.
- Import specification data to MS Excel in the flow.
- Add the linkage to actions in the Flow.
- Add groups of triggers in the action of the Flow.
- Set cross-flows in the Flow.
- Upgrade features of the subflow to cross-flow features.
- Assignto, assignedby and assigned date in the Flow.
- Actions of Batch Create, Batch Edit, Assign, Batch Assign, Export Data and etc in the Flow.
- Reconstruct the storage logic in the specifications in the Flow.
- Optimize the detail page in the Flow: user customized fields are set in the main area.
- Change the links of flows to the same format of the built-in modules in the Flow.
- Add Quote in the Order on the Zdoo mobile app.
- Optimize the Order features on the Zdoo mobile app.
- Optimize the features of Product on the Zdoo mobile app.
- Optimize the feature of Provider on the Zdoo mobile app.
- Optimize the features of Reimburse on the Zdoo mobile app.
- Add the mzui to the Zdoo mobile app.
- Adapt to the new UI on Zdoo mobile app.
- Adapt to the Flow on the Zdoo mobile app.
- Release mobile app (iOS、Android).
- Integrate Xuan IM 3.1.1.
Bugs Fixed
- Fix the bug that the dropdown of the trigger fields is not displayed.
- Fix the bug that the codes of specifications and main fields are duplicated.
- Fix the error of the select control in the specifications.
- Fix the bug that images in the rich text type of control are not displayed.
- Fix the bug that the default fields are not displayed in the Extended Action page.
- Fix the bug that the default fields of the Extended Action are not displayed.
- Fix the error in exporting data of a flow.
- Fix the wrong date format when importing data to a flow.
- Fix the incorrect value of select control in the preset flow.
Installation and Upgrade
One-Click Installation Package for Windows
- Windows 64 bit one-click installation
- Windows 32 bit one-click installation
One-Click Package
( Packages for Linux have to be unzipped to /opt )
- Linux 64 bit one-click installation
- Linux 32 bit one-click installation
ZDOO Mobile App
https://zdoo.theme. chanzhi .org/book/zdoopromanual/zdoo- crm -app-alternatives-124.html
1. If you want to upgrade it, contact us at troy@easycorp.ltd.
2. Windows one-click installation can be unzip to the root directory.
3. Linux one-click installation should be unzipped to /opt.
PHP package
PHP 5.3-5.6 package: Official Website
PHP 7.0 package: Official Website
PHP 7.1 package: Official Website
Zdoo Screenshots
Zdoo login page
Zdoo Calendar
If you have any questions or would like to get a free trial for more than three users, contact Renee @easysoft.ltd for help. You can also follow us on
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/1156596/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/natureeasysoft/
Twitter https://www.twitter.com/Zdoo_EasyCorp

Contact : | Renee Teng |
Email : | Renee@easycorp.ltd |
Skype : | Renee@easycorp.ltd |
- Email: Philip@easycorp.ltd
- Skype: philip517
- Whatsapp: +86 185 6395 3295