​Zdoo Pro 3.0.1 is released!

2019-05-29 13:48:00
Michi Ten

Zdoo Pro 3.0.1 is released! This release is to optimize detail and to fix bugs.

About Zdoo Pro

Zdoo Pro 3.0.1 is based on Zdoo open source 5.2.stable. For the change log, refer to Zdoo Open Source 5.2.stable .

Zdoo Pro is encrypted software and users need to install Ioncube to decrypt it. The free trial is 3 month and up to 3 users. If you need more licenses, contact us at Renee@easy soft.ltd.

You can also try Zdoo Pro online Demo HERE.

Change Log


Default data on Bookkeeping page is the data of this month.
Fix the incorrect link in the browser.
Add Privileges to Bookkeeping reports.
Remove Company from Profile when editing it.
CRM->Invoice. Ignore cross-month invoice.
Optimize date and time format in Company and Dynamics.
Add Date and WrittenBy to Invoice.
Export invoice as xml and ignore invisible characters in unicode.
Set exchange rate as 1 for ReturnedBy default.
For one-product quote, users don't have to choose it when returning the contract.
For multiple-product quote, check the Returned Amount and the Amount in Bookkeeping.
Fix the incomplete display of Balance Sheet in Bookkeeping.
Display all contacts when choosing contacts for contracts on Zdoo mobile app.



For Zdoo Installation, refer to HERE .

For Ioncube installation, refer to HERE .

If you are interested in knowing more about Zdoo , feel free to contact us at Renee@easysoft.ltd or Philip@easysoft.ltd .

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