Zdoo 4.6.2.stable has been released! Next Contact is enhanced!

2018-03-28 10:09:00

Zdoo 4.6.2.stable has been released! This release is mainly to fix bugs and to optimize features in details. Besides,  users can add more Salespersons to contact customers next time in Zdoo.

Change Log

Story List

2470 Next Contact can have multiple users.

Bug List

989 zbox is installed, but all apps in it have error warning.
998 Users in prefix custom tables cannot be restored.
999 No editor when clicking to change the note of a file.
1000 Incomplete attributes of new added contact in Customer->Contact.
1002 Overtime approval and reminder.
1006 Deleted accounts show in customer list when clicking batch assign.
1007 Refresh a blog and the number of views is two.
1008 Change the comment of virtual host in one-click packages.
1010 Files in Project requires privileges to set first so to check it.
1011 Close parent and its child tasks. The status of the parent has error.
1012 No rare functions in downloading files.
1013 Paging needs to be optimized, for only 20 records are shown in Cas->Account.
1014 Optimize prompt in Feedback->Create an Order.
1016 Post in Forum is abnormal.
1017 Abnormal Add and Edit blocks in Team Home.
1018 Incomplete display of Date control in Apply for Leave.
1019 List newly added todo on top in My Dashboard->Todo.
1020 Page error in Attendance->Report.
1021 Click linked order when editing a contract, and then the order will be cleared.
1022 Click Cancel a reimbursement in OA->Reimburse, and it is invalid.
1025 Customer source in Customer can be set in Settings, so users can customize it.
1026 Users cannot select date for the record of reimbursement details.
1027 Add Company as a parameter to search in the list.
1028 Fixed security issue submitted on sobug.
1029 Duplicated privilege settings in CRM->Supplier and Cash->Supplier.
1030 No feature related privileges are listed in Privilege list.
1032 Error in CRM->Contract->Pay.


- Source code package : http://dl.cnezsoft.com/ranzhi/4.6.2/ranzhi.4.6.2.stable.zip

- Windows 64 bit one-click installation : http://dl.cnezsoft.com/ranzhi/4.6.2/ranzhi.4.6.2.stable.int.win64.exe

- Windows 32 bit one-click installation : http://dl.cnezsoft.com/ranzhi/4.6.2/ranzhi.4.6.2.stable.int.win32.exe

- Linux 64 bit one-click installation : http://dl.cnezsoft.com/ranzhi/4.6.2/ranzhi.4.6.2.stable.int.zbox_64.tar.gz

- Linux 32 bit one-click installation : http://dl.cnezsoft.com/ranzhi/4.6.2/ranzhi.4.6.2.stable.int.zbox_32.tar.gz

Note:Linux one-click installation package has to be unzipped to /opt.

- Linux rpm package : http://dl.cnezsoft.com/ranzhi/4.6.2/ranzhi-4.6.2.stable-1.noarch.rpm

- Linux deb package : http://dl.cnezsoft.com/ranzhi/4.6.2/ranzhi_4.6.2.stable_1_all.deb

Zdoo Manual

- For Installation http://www.zdoo.org/book/zdoomanual/sourcecodeinstallation-19.html

- For Upgrade http://www.zdoo.org/book/zdoomanual/upgradezdoo-22.html

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