Zdoo ManualBook Info
1 Introduction
1.1  About Zdoo
1.2  Zdoo Features
1.3  Technical Support
1.4  Zdoo License
2 Install and Upgrade
2.1  ZDOO Installation (for all systems)
2.2  One-click Installation Package for Windows (Recommended)
2.3  One-click Installation Package for Linux
2.4  Upgrade Zdoo
2.5  Zdoo Cloud
2.6  Remove zdoo from the address
2.7  Data Backup
2.8  Install Ioncube
2.9  Install php-zip
3.1  CRM Workflow
3.2  Add Product
3.3  Add Customer
3.4  Create Order
3.5  Sign Contract
3.6  Manage Contact
3.7  Manage List
3.8  Manage Supplier
3.9  CRM Settings
3.10  CRM Report
4 OA
4.1  Todo
4.2  Review
4.3  Announcement
4.4  Attendance
4.5  Leave
4.6  Makeup
4.7  Overtime
4.8  Business Trip
4.9  Reimbursement
4.10  Lieu
4.11  Egress
4.12  Holiday
4.13  Settings
5 Cashflow(Cash)
5.1  Introduction
5.2  Basic Settings
5.3  Add Bank Account
5.4  Manage Account
5.5  Keep Account
5.6  Batch keep accounts and import
5.7  Reconciliation
5.8  Report
6 Project (Proj)
6.1  Project Workflow
6.2  Create Project
6.3  Create Task
6.4  Actions in a project
6.5  Action Views
6.6  Actions in a task
7 Document(Doc)
7.1  Introduction
7.2  Create Document Library
7.3  Create Document
8.1  Introduction
8.2  Settings
8.3  Modules
9 Inventory(PSI)
9.1  Workflow
9.2  Sales
9.3  Inventory
9.4  Product
9.5  Settings
10 Flow
10.1  Introduction
10.2  Built-in Flows
10.3  Features
10.4  Examples
11 Ameba
11.1  Amoeba Management
11.2  Start Ameba
11.3  Ameba Category
11.4  Ameba Department
11.5  Expense Distribution Rules
11.6  Income Distribution Rules
11.7  Ameba Budget
11.8  Ameba Trade
11.9  Ameba Report
12 Administration
12.1  Settings
12.2  User
12.3  Privileges
12.4  Apps
12.5  Email settings
13 Integration
13.1  Introduction
13.2  Integrate ZenTao
14 Customization
14.1  Get Ready
14.2  Zdoo Directory
14.3  Find the Code
14.4  Database Structure


2016-09-02 09:06:27
Last edited by MCFEY on 2020-05-12 17:34:05

Zdoo 2.6+ has reimbursement management. After the reimbursement request is approved, you can also link it to CASH module for bookkeeping in Zdoo.

1. Reimbursement settings

You should set a reviewer before your start using reimbursement module. Go to "OA"->"Reimbursement"->"Settings". You can set the first reviewer and the second reviewer. Reimbursement request will go to the second reviewer only when the first reviewer has approved the request.

Then you should set categories for reimbursement management. In order to relate reimbursement to accounting, expenditure categories have been synchronized into reimbursement categories. You can check those categories that can be reimbursed in your company and click "Save".  All the categories set here will be synchronized to the expense  categories in CASH->Settings.

You can also set Bank Account and Reimbursed-by in settings.

2. My reimbursement

Click "OA"->"Reimbursemenet"->"My Reimbursement", and click "Create" to start reimbursement request. Fill in the required fields and click "Save". You can also add details of the amount that you apply for the reimbursement.

Once a reimbursement request is submitted, you can see it in the reimbursement list. You can also edit/cancel/delete pending reimbursement.

3. To Review

On "To Review" page, only users who have the review permissions can see the list of reimbursement requests. Click the request you want to review, and click the "Review" button at the end of the same row. 

A window will pop out and you can either check "Pass" or "Reject".

4. To Reimburse

On "Reimbursement Wait" page, the reviewed and approved requests will show in a list. You can see the details and start reimbursement.

Click "Reimburse", a notice will show and ask whether you would like to Create Trade and record this reimbursement to CASH->Account. If not, click "No".

If yes, you have to choose the account you want this reimbursement to be added to.

Then you will see the record in the CASH->All.

5. All reimbursements

On "All Reimbursement" page, all the reimbursement request will be listed here, including those pending for review, reviewed and reimbursed.

6. My Review

On 'My Review' page, listed all the requests reviewed by the reviewer.

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